IIA global óskar eftir sjálfboðaliðum til að taka þátt í starfi IIA og vera þáttakendur í því að móta og styrkja starf alþjóðasamtakanna og þar með allra aðildarfélaga IIA út um allan heim.
Sjá póst hér að neðan :
With more than 190,000 members in more than 170 countries and territories, The IIA provides dynamic leadership for the global profession of internal auditing. Volunteers play a key role and the contributions they make impact the day-to-day functions of internal auditors, as well as shape the future of the internal audit profession.
We invite you to nominate yourself or any of your members who have the time, dedication, and ability to contribute to the future direction of the internal audit profession. You are also encouraged to inform your members of this opportunity to serve in a global leadership capacity by sharing the attached message.
Below are the leadership roles for which The IIA is seeking qualified members:
- Executive Officers
- Global Board of Directors
- Internal Audit Foundation Board of Trustees
- 18 Committees comprising 250 members
Nominating your members helps to bring diversity and global perspectives within The IIA’s governance structure to influence global strategies that impact members and the profession around the world. Candidates should have relevant expertise and the ability to participate in the leadership of The IIA
Nominations for 2018–19 should be completed and submitted electronically by Monday, 2 October 2017. Those elected or appointed to serve will begin their terms in April 2018 or May 2018.
Click here to learn more about the qualifications necessary and to access the online nomination form.
For questions regarding nominations, please contact governance@theiia.org.