Á heimasíðu IIA kemur fram að :

" The IIA has released an exposure draft outlining proposed enhancements to the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). The last significant changes to the IPPF, known to some practitioners as “the Red Book,” were in 2007.

While the current IPPF has served the profession well, global marketplace factors, including legislative, regulatory, and market demands for improved governance, risk management, and internal control, have elevated the expectations of, and demands placed on, internal audit practitioners. In certain regions and in certain industries, additional regulatory-influenced internal audit requirements have been promulgated. In some cases, these influences attempt to fill perceived gaps in the content of the IPPF.

Further, chief audit executives or heads of internal audit as well as internal auditor practitioners continue to seek high quality “leading practice” guidance and insights delivered in a shorter timeframe than existing IPPF processes typically provide. As a result, The IIA established a task force to evaluate the IPPF and propose necessary changes, enhancements, or updates.

A comprehensive explanation of all proposed enhancements can be found in the exposure document. The IIA seeks input on these proposed IPPF enhancements."

Þess er samsagt óskað að meðlimir aðildarfélaga IIA leggji höfuðið í bleyti og sendi inn tillögur að breytingum á stöðlum. Alþjóðanefnd FIE sér um staðlanna og formaður alþjóðanefndar er Ástráður Karl Guðmundsson. Þeir sem vilja senda inn tillögur er bent á að hafa samband við hann sem og þeir sem vilja taka þátt í starfi alþjóðanefndar. Ástráður er Innri endurskoðandi hjá Tollstjóranum í Reykjavík og tölvupóstfang hans er : Astradur.Karl.gudmundsson@tollur.is

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