IIA í Noregi býður félagsmönnum IIA á Norðurlöndunum og í Eistrasaltsríkjunum á eins dags námskeið um rekstraráhættu sem haldið verður í Osló í lok maí. Þátttökugjald fyrir okkar félagsmenn er 250 evrur en venjulegt verð er 450 evrur. Nánari umfjöllun um námskeiðið má sjá hér að neðan. Athugið að námskeiðið fer fram á ensku.


Operational risk is involved in every activity a business undertakes and affects every employee. It arises when a business first opens its doors and forms part of all the risks it faces. Intelligent operational risk management can deliver real financial benefits and starts at the top. The Board needs first to be clear about its strategy and objectives and communicate them throughout the firm. Without clear strategy and objectives, there can be no context for effective risk management or an understanding of what is meant in a particular firm by excellent behaviours. Without an understanding of what is meant by excellent behaviours, there will be little coherence in staff selection, appraisal, promotion or, importantly, remuneration. Nor will it be risk-based.


John is a well-known speaker and writer on risk, regulatory and governance issues, particularly business and operational risk. His book Mastering Operational Risk, co-authored with Tony Blunden, was published by Financial Times Prentice Hall in August 2010.

Until March 2003, he was a director at the British Bankers’ Association, which he joined in December 1996 from Hill Samuel Bank, where he had been a director and Chief Risk Officer. In BBA he was heavily involved, on behalf of the banking industry, in discussions with regulators concerning the new Basel Capital Accord and the EU Capital Requirements Directive. He continues to be a member of advisory committees on risk and regulatory matters at the FSA.

Since leaving the BBA, he has served as a non-executive director on a number of boards in the City, including Novae Syndicates Limited and CX Reinsurance Company Limited. He is non-executive Chairman of the Bankside Gallery and a Director of the Institute of Operational Risk.

Time: May 30nd , 09.00 – 17.00

Place: PwC, Dronning Maudsgate 8, Bjørvika, Oslo

Price: Members of IIA, ISACA and NFKR: NOK 3 500/Non-members: NOK 3 800

CPE: 8 Continual Professional Education points for CIA, CCSA, CRMA, CGAP, CFSA and Dipl. IR.

Registration: : SEMINAR - Operational Risk or call (+47) 932 37 912.

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