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Fræðsla – Ethics in the real world

5. desember, 2022-14:00 - 16:30

Ethics in the real world. Since 2017 the IIA has had a requirement for members to take a 2-hour CPE course each year on the subject of ethics. This area is especially highlighted because of its key role in helping internal audit to be independent and objective.

To date there has been a lot of training on “the basics” of ethics. However, “Ethics in the Real world” moves beyond the straight-forward aspects of ethics and considers the real-world challenges that might face auditors and how they might decide what to do. It also looks at the “real world” challenges and pressures that managers face and will help auditors to look at these issues in an insightful and value adding way.

This course is offered by IIA Iceland and will take place online and on demand. The course is presented by James Paterson and will give 2-2,5 CPE points. This course is open for all IIA members in the Nordic, you can register here, for the online event.

Sjá nánar hér.


5. desember, 2022
14:00 - 16:30
Event Category:

Næstu viðburðir

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