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Power BI námskeið fyrir innri endurskoðendur
28. mars, 2022-08:30 - 29. mars, 2022-16:30
Félag um innri endurskoðun býður uppá námskeið í Power BI fyrir innri endurskoðendur. Fyrirlesari verður Ian Wainwright ráðgjafi hjá DataConsulting í Bretlandi. Ian er sérhæfður í gagnagreiningum og gerð viðskiptalíkana. Ian er með 35 ára reynslu í að samþætta greiningar og möguleika líkana, aðallega með notkun tóla eins og Microsoft SQL og Power BI.
Námskeiðið verður frá kl. 8:30 til 12:30 þann 28 mars og frá 13:30 – 16:30 þann 29 mars. Það verður í formi fyrirlesturs, hópaumræðna og verkefnavinnu.
Ráðstefnan hentar vel fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga á Power BI eða vilja fríska upp á þekkingu sína.
Námskeiðið kostar 50.000 kr. fyrir félagsmenn, en 60.000 kr fyrir þá sem er utan félagsins.
Námskeiðið veitir 8,5 endurmenntunareiningar.
Athugið að fjöldatakmörkun er á þessa ráðstefnu og ganga þeir fyrir sem skrá sig fyrstir!
Nánari lýsing:
Presenter Intro:- Senior Consultant Ian Wainwright has over 30 years of experience in data analytics and regularly develops robust business models for decision making, forecasting, operational and management information along with the creation of data analytics solutions for a range of audit situations covering the bespoke, regular and continuous requirements of clients. Ian is a Fellow of The Institute of Charted Accountants in England and Wales and is the Lead Trainer at DataConsulting.
Course Title:- Introduction to Power BI Workshop
Dates:- Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th March 2022
Trainer Details:- Ian Wainwright, Senior Consultant at DataConsulting
Who should attend:- Anyone who is just starting out or looking to refresh their knowledge of the Microsoft Power BI Suite. This Workshop delivers a general introduction to the world of Power BI, considering data wrangling, modelling, analysing, visualising, processing and theoretical aspects.
Platform:- The workshop will be delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams.
Delegate requirements:- No pre-requisites. You will need to have a good internet connection and access standard Microsoft Office applications along with Power BI Suites
Training Materials:- DataConsulting will provide all training materials, data, workbooks etc in advance of the Power BI Workshop
Day 1:- Instructor led and will consist of a slideshow/presentation along with a group discussion to get to understand the basic principles of Power BI. A data import exercise will follow, so delegates understand how to acquire data from the most common sources, then, using Power Query, transform into a format that is suitable for modelling and analysis. Next on day 1 will consist of looking at organising the data within tables and relate or link tables to support analysis. Depending on how day 1 goes, some investigation and exploration of the data, to identify patterns and answer relevant questions, will follow.
Day 2:- Will kick off with a quick re-cap of what was considered during day 1 and will complete the analysis part of the Workshop. The next part of Day 2 will consider the actual visualisation aspects, so looking at presenting, communicating and assembling analysis results in ways that highlight insights and inform the end user, including choosing the right chart, layout, colour scheme, navigation, bookmarks, popup and drilldown. Following this a brief overview of the Data Analytics framework and best practices that support all aspects of data analytics will conclude the Workshop.