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Vefnámskeið: Þróun IPPF og Alþjóðlegra staðla – The Evolution og IPPF and International Standards

30. ágúst, 2022-08:00 - 17:00

30. ágúst 2022

The Institute of Internal Auditors munu 30. ágúst 2022 bjóða upp á tvö klukkustundar vefnámskeið undir heitinu: The Evalution of IPPS oand International Standards - Enable the Profession for the Future. Hægt er að skrá sig á annað hvort en vefnámskeiðið er ókeypis.

Tekið af heimasíðu theiia.org:

The IIA kicked off the IPPF Evolution project in 2021, with an objective to modernize and transform the IIA Standards and ensure their relevance and responsiveness to today's challenges. The IPPF Evolution project seeks to promote consistent global internal audit practice and to enhance internal auditors' ability to help organizations achieve their objectives.

This webinar will provide the latest information about the progress of the IPPF Evolution, including a projected timeline, from the exposure and comment period to publication and effective dates. Attendees will learn about newly proposed changes,* such as the:

  • Purpose of Internal Auditing.
  • New structural organizatione of the Standards.
  • Revised Principles.
  • Standards to address timely and emerging issues.

Þeir sem taka þátt fá 1 CPE einingu.

Hægt er að skrá sig HÉR


30. ágúst, 2022
08:00 - 17:00

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